quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2020

Atividade de Inglês - 6 ano I - Tarde

 Atenção alunos do sexto ano I 

A atividade deverá ser feita no caderno. 

Após a resolução enviar uma foto para o e-mail; eliane.quarto@gmail.com 

Data de recebimento: 03 DE Dezembro DE 2020.

Data de entrega: 10 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2020.

Leia o texto e responda as questões: 

Marcia was a young girl in the 1960s. 

“I was a young girl in the 1960s. My friends and I used to do a lot of things which shocked our parents. We used to do things our mothers never did. We cut our own hair, we wore short skirts and went dancing. We danced to the music of Elvis Presley and The Beatles. We also got the chance to see The Beatles live at a concert once. It was amazing. My mother baked cherry pies once a week. She always wished that I would cook with her, but I didn’t like cooking. Instead, my friends and I went bowling every week. We were very happy!”

Now, answer T for true or F for false.
( ) Marcia used to go bowling every day.
( ) Marcia’s mother used to love baking pies.
( ) Marcia used to dance to Elvis Presley’s songs.
( ) Marcia’s friends used to cut their hair themselves.


    A machine that is used for stitching cloth or other material together. The first sewing machine was     invented in 1830 by Barthélemy Thimonnier , a tailor, in France. In the United States, Walter Hunt  also invented a sewing machine in 1834, but did not patent it. Later, in 1846, the device was improved by another American, Elias Howe, whose business was not successful at first. Isaac M. Singer made small modifications in the machine and patented his improvements in 1851. His business became a success:    his company sold 2,564 machines in 1856, and 13,000 in 1860.

   Responda às questões 1, 2 e 3 baseado na leitura do texto acima.
1.Qual é o assunto tratado no texto “ Sewing Machine”?

2.Qual é esse tipo de texto?
    a.(    )um anúncio publicitário.
   b.(    )um texto informativo- descritivo.
   c.(    )um verbete de enciclopédia.
   d.(    )um manual de instruções.
   e.(    )uma página da internet.
3.Qual frase descreve a função da máquina de costura?
    a) It´s compact and durable.
   b) It´s used for sewing clothes.
   c) It´s used for carrying water.
   d) It´s an invention.

   e) It was invented by Barthélemy Thimonnier.

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